What is the Internal Bra Technique for Breast Implant Surgery?
Internal Bra Technique for Breast Implant Surgery The internal bra technique gives the lower portion of the breast firm support. An internal bra technique contributes a base that acts as a solid foundation for a breast implant. Internal bra surgery is most commonly performed using supplementary suturing. Sutures are placed after the meshing is completed beneath the implants. The vicryl mesh support is a dissolvable material composed of glycolide copolymer and calcium stearate. After surgery, the vicryl mesh dissolves in 5-6 months. The mesh is stitched to the muscle wall before being rolled over the implant and stitched again. Why should doing internal bra technique Breast drooping is a major concern when the breast and nipple droop downwards. Bottoming out occurs when the implant moves downward but the nipple and breast tissue remain in place. These conditions can occur depending on the patient's physiology and anatomy. In some cases, the implants are displaced from their origi...