How Can I Prepare for My Laser Hair Removal Treatment?

Laser Hair Removal Treatment

Laser Hair Removal Treatment

If you want to get laser hair removal, the first step is to find a board-certified plastic surgeon who has experience with laser hair removal treatments. Make certain that this treatment is not performed by non-medical personnel or at local spas, salons, or other facilities.

Schedule a consultation with the doctor once you've found the right cosmetic surgeon. The doctor will assist you in determining whether the treatment option is appropriate for you. During the initial consultation, you can expect the following:

  • Examine your medical history, including medication use, a history of skin disorders, scarring, and any previous hair removal procedures.
  • Discuss the procedure's risks, benefits, and your expectations. Discuss what laser hair removal can and cannot do for you.
  • Take photos for before-and-after comparisons and long-term evaluations.
  • Discuss an effective treatment plan and the associated costs. Laser hair removal is typically not covered by insurance policies.

  • Stay out of the sun. Avoid sun exposure as much as possible before and after your treatment. Even if you go outside in the sun, then ensure that you are using an SPF30 sunscreen
    • Avoid skin creams that might darken your skin. If you have recently got a tan or if you have darker skin, then your doctor might even prescribe a skin bleaching cream
    Know more about Laser Hair Removal Treatment


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