What Causes Cobblestoning After a Hair Transplant Procedure?


What Causes Cobblestoning After a Hair Transplant Procedure?


Every year, over tens of thousands of individuals have hair transplant surgery. Hair loss is one of the most prevalent issues that most people are unable to address. Patients with hair loss encounter major concerns such as persistent stress, frequent worry, diminished self-confidence, and low self-esteem. 

Whether it is a FUE or a FUT hair transplant, the plastic surgeon should transplant numerous follicles from the donor area to the patient's scalp. This means that cobblestoneing can take two forms.

When the plastic surgeon fails to transplant the follicles deeply into the patient's scalp. Keeping the hair transplants too high causes the adjacent tissues to rise after the incisions heal. As a result, increased healing leads to cobblestoneing.

When the tissues repair incorrectly, or when the plastic surgeon removes too many tissues from the donor location. The elevated and uneven appearance is known as cobblestoning. 

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What is Cobble stoning in Hair Transplant


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